Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: State Terrorism: 20th Century:

Types: Sexual Assault:

Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979)

[Info] Braaf, Rochelle. Sexual violence against ethnic minorities during the Khmer Rouge regime. Phnom Penh 2014.

[Info] Braaf, Rochelle. Sexual violence against ethnic minorities during the Khmer Rouge regime (Khmer version). Phnom Penh 2014.

[Info] de Langis, Theresa, et al. "Like Ghost Changes Body": A Study on the Impact of Forced Marriage under the Khmer Rouge Regime. Phnom Penh 2014.

[Info] de Langis, Theresa. »“This Is Now the Most Important Trial in the World”: A New Reading of Code #6, The Rule Against Immoral Offenses Under the Khmer Rouge Regime.« Cambodia Law and Policy Journal No. 3 (2014): 61-78.

[Info] Duong Savorn. The Mystery of Sexual Violence under the Khmer Rouge Regime. Phnom Penh 2011.

[Info] Elander, Maria. »Prosecuting the Khmer Rouge Marriages.« Australian Feminist Law Journal 42 (2016): 163-175.

[Info] Elander, Maria. »In Spite: Testifying to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence During the Khmer Rouge Period.« Queering International Law: Possibilities, Alliances, Complicities, Risks. Edited by Dianne Otto. London 2018: 110-127.

[Info] Elander, Maria. »Prosecuting the Khmer Rouge Marriages.« Transitional Justice in Law, History and Anthropology. Edited by Lia Kent et al. London 2020.

[Info] Grey, Rosemary. »Seen and unseen: Sexual and gender-based crimes in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal’s Case 002/02 judgment.« Australian Journal of Human Rights 25 (2019): 466-487.

[Info] Irvin-Erickson, Douglas. »Prosecuting Sexual Violence at the Cambodian War Crimes Tribunal: Challenges, Limitations, and Implications.« Human Rights Quarterly 40 (2018): 570-590.

[Info] Killean, Rachel. »Exposing Coercive Control in the Commission of Forced Marriage: A Cambodian Case Study.« Contemporary Issues in Law 14 (2017): 95-118.

[Info] Killean, Rachel. Exposing Coercive Control in the Commission of Forced Marriage: A Cambodian Case Study. Belfast 2019.

[Info] Kochanski, Adam. »The Missing Picture: Accounting for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence during Cambodia’s ‘Other’ Conflict Periods.« The International Journal of Transitional Justice 14 (2020): 504-523.

[Info] Morag, Raya. Perpetrator Cinema: Confronting Genocide in Cambodian Documentary. New York 2020.

[Info] Tyner, James. »Gender and sexual violence, forced marriages, and primitive accumulation during the Cambodian genocide, 1975–1979.« Gender, Place & Culture 25 (2018).

[Info] Tyner, James A., et al. »Ideologies of Khmer Rouge Family Policy: Contextualizing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence during the Cambodian Genocide.« Genocide Studies International 13 (2020): 168-189.

[Info] Ye, Beini. »Transitional Justice Through the Cambodian Women's Hearings.« Cambodia Law and Policy Journal No. 2 (2014): 23-37.

[Info] Yim, Sotheary. The Past and Present of Forced Marriage Survivors: Experience toward Healing. Phnom Penh 2012.

[Info] You, Sotheary. Guarantees of Non-Recuurence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Women after the Khmer Rouge. Bern 2019.